Tissue Engineering

Tissue engineering has emerged from the need for alternative grafts to auto or allo-transplantation. Engineered tissues have been developed using biomaterials and cells to mimic the properties of the damaged tissue with the ultimate purpose of repairing or replacing it.

The mechanical properties of engineered tissues evolve with time since cells are able to degrade the initial biomaterial (their scaffold) and produce ECM proteins. Collagen, gelatin, chitosan, alginate, fibrin, agarose, PEG, PLGA, PCL are among the most popular hydrogel biomaterials.

Due to their soft nature and complex preparation, measuring the viscoelasticity of engineered tissues is challenging and monitoring their changes during culture time is not often possible.

Engineered tissue

We have designed the ElastoSens™ Bio to answer these needs. The instrument tests the viscoelasticity of cellularized scaffolds by applying gentle vibrations to the sample and measuring with no contact its response to the mechanical stimulus. The cellularized scaffold is contained in a detachable sample holder and the whole system can be inserted in a biological hood for testing under sterile conditions. The sample holder containing the engineered tissue can be placed in the incubator and retested multiple times during culture time. At each time point, the instrument measures and displays the current storage (G’) and loss (G’’) shear modulus of the evolving cellularized scaffold.

testing Engineered Tissue

In this example, keratinocytes laden gelatin samples were tested during 14 days of culture using the ElastoSens™ Bio. The gels were prepared at concentrations of 10 %, 15 % and 20 % (w/w%) of gelatin. The higher concentration of gelatin led to a mechanically stable construct whereas a significant degradation was observed for the other two conditions.

The ElastoSens™ Bio opens new horizons for scientists that can now precisely evaluate the evolution of their bioengineered tissue from a mechanical perspective. This is important for understanding cellular behavior, for analyzing scaffold degradation and ECM production, and for developing constructs that closely mimic the site of application.
Testing Engineered tissue

    Feel free to contact us for any inquiry, question or quote request.



    Benefits of Contact-Free, Non-Invasive Measurements with the Elastosens™ Bio

    • Test non-destructively the viscoelastic properties of bulk hydrogels, 3D bioprinted scaffolds and 3D cell-laden hydrogels.
    • Apply programmable thermo and photo (UV) stimulations to deeply analyze your material.
    • Follow the evolution of the same sample from formation to degradation non-destructively and over long periods of time.
    • Get advanced and personalized Soft Matter Analytics™.
    • Accelerate your formulation process while improving repeatability.
    • Test bioengineered tissues in a cell-friendly and sterile environment.
    • Operate a truly easy-to-use instrument designed for biologists, chemists and material scientists.
    • Save time and material for R&D and QC operations.
    • Customize your own testing system with up to 5 instruments thanks to the modularity of the ElastoSens™ Bio.
    • Optimize your investments with affordable instruments that fit your needs and budget.



    Visit the ElastoSens™ Bio product page

    Related Application Notes

    The mechanical characterization of biological soft membranes such as skin, pericardium, or hydrogel-based samples is challenging and often results in sample damage. The Membrane Sample Holder of the ElastoSens™ Bio has been designed for facilitating the loading and the handling of membrane samples allowing proper mechanical testing. In this study, the elasticity of bovine pericardium membranes were precisely measured using the ElastoSens™ Bio...

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    Cellularized hydrogels have been widely investigated for producing in vitro models of tissues such as skin, blood vessels, bone, etc. These models can be a valuable alternative to animal models used in trials for studying physio/pathological processes and for testing new drugs and medical devices.

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